A Model-Sankofa Shule
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“Afrocentric Education: Challenging the Genius Within our Children”...is a conference designed to facilitate instruction and to center the curriculum for educational excellence. The conference will be divided into three phases:
- Defining Afrocentric education and the need
- Proven Strategies and techniques of implementation
- Classroom demonstrations with and by students
Attending this conference will change your life forever-whether you are a teacher, administrator or parent. You will learn facts of African history and culture that are omitted from textbooks, literature, audio and visual media and other reference materials. You will learn proven successful strategies and techniques that can be used with any class but specifically with children of African descent. You will never again call our children, “at-risk, disadvantaged, minority, inner-city, special ed, underprivileged, urban , adhd, kadakd (this will probably become a new acronym-just type some letters), etc.
Highlights of the conference include:
 | Actual class demonstrations done with and by students of African descent.
 | A four year old reading on a third grade level.
 | Fourth and fifth graders demonstrating trigonometric problems in physics.
 | You will be given sample syllabi and workbooks and shown model curriculum.
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The presenters are national and international experts on history, culture, teaching, psychology, families and assessment. They can make a difference in our children and our schools if we will only take time to listen and do. You can make a difference in our children and our world by attending this conference. Let this be the start of like minds coming together to promote the genius of our children. If we don’t do it, no one else will!
The presenters include Drs. Molefi Asante, Asa Hilliard, Maulana Karenga, Freya Rivers, Bernida Thompson, Harriett Ball, Tom Feelings, etc.
The conference will be held in Lansing, MI. Participants must make their own hotel reservations by calling Agnes Talley at Centurion Travel at 310-378-2252, 310-641-3761 or toll free at 888-786-5273, fax: 310-378-9685, email:
[email protected]. Request Sankofa Conference group rate when calling. Reserve your room early! The rooms we have reserved will fill up rapidly.
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