Two hour interactive mathematics demonstration
Sankofa Shule began in the fall of 1995 with a population of 111 students. Achievement statistics on the pre-test showed that 70% of our students scored below the 50th percentile in reading and mathematics on the Metropolitan Achievement Test. These results demanded creative strategies and techniques that would allow our students to succeed while enjoying the learning process. In this light, African Mathematical Genius began. It is an Afrocentric mathematics curriculum based upon experiential/multi-sensory, multi-modal, multi cultural, and multi-dimensional techniques with emphasis on reciprocal operations and patterning. The grade levels addressed by the curriculum are Kindergarten through sixth grades but can also be used at higher levels for students that have not mastered basic skills.
We first presented our curriculum at workshops about three years ago to enthusiastic and receptive audiences. Since that time, we have improved our test scores to more than 70% of our students scoring above the 50th percentile on the MAT. We also outscore the Lansing School District and statewide averages on the Michigan Educational Assesment Program (MEAP).
We present an advanced math program that exposes students to physics and calculus by the third grade. The target audience includes math students, teachers, school administrators, curriculum specialists and parents. The workshop usually lasts from one and one-half hours to two hours and includes overhead and powerpoint presentations. The session is participatory and the audience eagerly participates. Each session begins with our infamous statement that “ we will take you from addition and subtraction to calculus in one hour and you will not only understand it but you will have fun doing it.” The objectives of the workshop include respect for students achievement and possibilities by drawing upon their various learning styles and active student involvement in the exploration of mathematical topics.

Heshima to Hotep is a ten-step presentation for educational excellence. It is an Afrocentric program that begins with recognizing the faults in the current educational system and moves to specific strategies and techniques for success.

An Afrocentric multi-sensory reading program with sequential vocabulary development. There is a strong emphasis on phonics but it is used in context rather than in isolation. Reading, writing and grammar are integrated in every lesson. The lessons are introduced through stories with an ethical principle.

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